A few weeks ago I talked about automating the process of updating, compiling and deploying from the source code to running web application. I’ve done some improvements since then; the most relevant was to apply the web.config transformation phase. I admit it, it’s something I’ve read once at a glance and almost forgot it, in part because I didn’t understand very well on the fly. But this I really needed it and made a second review and Voilà! By the way, Great job in the book “Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework” from Apress. All I needed was to invoke MSBuild with the appropriate arguments so it makes exactly the same as in the Publish Dialog from Visual Studio 2010.
After spending some time making Google-research and consequently StackOverflowing a lot, almost everybody agreed that the solution was modify the .csproj or .vbproj and include something like this:
<Target Name="PublishToFileSystem" DependsOnTargets="PipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder"> <Error Condition="'$(PublishDestination)'==''" Text="The PublishDestination property must be set to the intended publishing destination." /> <MakeDir Condition="!Exists($(PublishDestination))" Directories="$(PublishDestination)" /> <ItemGroup> <PublishFiles Include="$(_PackageTempDir)\**\*.*" /> </ItemGroup> <Copy SourceFiles="@(PublishFiles)" DestinationFiles="@(PublishFiles->'$(PublishDestination)\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')" SkipUnchangedFiles="True" /> </Target>
And invoke the MSBuild with /t: PublishToFileSystem and include in the property parameter /p: PublishDestination with the location where to put the final compiled files. Everything looks great? But there is small problem, I don’t want to modify the .csproj file, I just want to do exactly what VS2010 does when you right-click and select Publish, as I said before. I want my script to be reusable and do not have to remember in each project to include obscure XML fragments. So the quest begins.
I started to learn a little about MSBuild syntax and quickly went to the file Microsoft.WebApplication.targets, which is located very deep in MSBuild Folder but easily located by opening any .csproj file. Well, what’s inside this odd file? This file defines all target used by VS2010 when compiling or deploying a project. Since the new target defined by stackoverflow.com people depends on PipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder target, I went to hunt it and I discovered vital information about the parameters that target use for to copy the files. I started the experimentation phase, and finally I lined up the stars and Voilà encore une fois! The magic combination is as follows:
The MSBuild receives a positional parameter with the .csproj, no change with it. The target as commented before is /t:PipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder, the properties are /p:Configuration=Release; BuildInParallel=true; PackageAsSingleFile=False; AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=false. All this for the following: build in release mode, optimal settings for production server, take advantages of multi core processing, do not package as a .zip file the result and do not set replaceable garbage in web.config, this is not necessary because I don’t want to import the result with IIS wizard. Another important property is /p:IntermediateOutputPath=..\TempObjWeb\ this is specified to avoid a mysterious compilation error after a deploy, it’s something related with the web.config remains inside the project file and it can’t be parsed because it’s not inside a folder configured as virtual directory or application in IIS. The most important property is /p:_PackageTempDir= compilation target, that’s I’ve found following the trace from target to dependent target inside the Microsoft.WebApplication.targets file, when setting this property, the destination path (like the dialog in VS2010) for the compiled web elements.
Other improvements I’ve done in my script are at clean phase, this time all the temporary folders are deleted totally before the compilation begins. Continuing with the delete elements, when I copy the final compilation results (using aspnet_compiler) this time I make a smart delete excluding vital folders for specific use in my application, using the -Exclude in powershell. I also added some new parameters to promote its maintenance. I think there are still too many things to do but as I am still learning I continuously improve my toolbox. I let you the entire script code.
$aspnetcompiler = $env:SystemRoot + "\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_compiler.exe" $msbuild = $env:SystemRoot + "\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" $repo = "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\livost-repo" $webapp = $repo + "\LivostWeb" $webtarget = $repo + "\LivostWebPublish" $fullcomptarget = $repo + "\WebCompiled" $comptarget = "..\WebCompiled\" $sitename = "IIS:\Sites\mvclivost" $urltest = "http://localhost:8000/Home" #$destitny = "Debug" $destitny = "Release" import-module .\PScommon\psake\psake.psm1 import-module .\PSCommon\WebAdministration Set-Alias -Name ipsake -Value Invoke-psake $old_pwd = pwd cd $repo hg pull hg update $msbuild_arg0 = $repo + "\Livost.sln" $msbuild_arg1 = "/p:Configuration=$destitny;BuildInParallel=true" $msbuild_arg2 = "/t:Clean" $msbuild_arg3 = "/m" $msbuild_arg4 = "/v:m" $msbuild_arg5 = "/nologo" $msbuild_arg6 = "/clp:Verbosity=minimal" $msbuild_args = @($msbuild_arg0, $msbuild_arg1, $msbuild_arg2, $msbuild_arg3, $msbuild_arg4, $msbuild_arg5, $msbuild_arg6) Write-Host "Cleaning the solution" Write-Host "Executing $msbuild $msbuild_args" & $msbuild $msbuild_args > out.txt # removing temporary folders $cleanwebtarget = $webtarget + "\*" rm $cleanwebtarget -Force -Recurse $cleanfullcomptarget = $fullcomptarget + "\*" rm $cleanfullcomptarget -Force -Recurse $cleantempobj = $repo + "\TempObjWeb\*" rm $cleantempobj -Force -Recurse # keep the rebuild step $msbuild_arg2 = "/t:Rebuild" $msbuild_args = @($msbuild_arg0, $msbuild_arg1, $msbuild_arg2, $msbuild_arg3, $msbuild_arg4, $msbuild_arg5, $msbuild_arg6) Write-Host "Rebluilding the solution" Write-Host "Executing $msbuild $msbuild_args" & $msbuild $msbuild_args >> out.txt # modified here (publish instead of rebuild) this change allows to apply the web.config transformation $msbuild_arg0 = '"' + $webapp + '\LivostWeb.csproj"' $msbuild_arg1 = "/t:PipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder" $msbuild_arg2 = "/p:Configuration=$destitny;BuildInParallel=true; PackageAsSingleFile=False; AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=false" $msbuild_arg3 = "/p:IntermediateOutputPath=..\TempObjWeb\" $msbuild_arg4 = "/p:_PackageTempDir=$comptarget" $msbuild_arg5 = "/nologo" $msbuild_arg6 = "/clp:Verbosity=minimal" $msbuild_args = @($msbuild_arg0, $msbuild_arg1, $msbuild_arg2, $msbuild_arg3, $msbuild_arg4, $msbuild_arg5, $msbuild_arg6) Write-Host "Building the Web Application" Write-Host "Executing $msbuild $msbuild_args" & $msbuild $msbuild_args >> out.txt $anc_arg0 = "-v" $anc_arg1 = "/" $anc_arg2 = "-p" $anc_arg3 = $fullcomptarget $anc_arg4 = "-f" $anc_arg5 = $webtarget $anc_arg6 = "-c" $asncargs = @($anc_arg0, $anc_arg1, $anc_arg2, $anc_arg3, $anc_arg4, $anc_arg5, $anc_arg6) if (-not (Test-Path $webtarget)) { mkdir $webtarget > $null } Write-Host "Precompiling web application" Write-Host "Executing $aspnetcompiler $asncargs" & $aspnetcompiler $asncargs >> out.txt $webSite = Get-Item $sitename $poolName = $webSite.applicationPool $pool = Get-Item "IIS:\AppPools\$poolName" if ((Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $poolName).Value -ne "Stopped") { Write-Host "Stopping the Application Pool" $pool.Stop() Start-Sleep 3 } Write-Host "Smart delete..." $todelete = $webSite.physicalPath + "\*" rm $todelete -Force -Recurse -Exclude @("Files","_temp_upload", "App_Data") Write-Host "Copying files..." $source = $webtarget + "\*" cp $source $webSite.physicalPath -Force -Recurse Write-Host "Waiting a few seconds..." Start-Sleep 5 Write-Host "Starting the Application Pool" $pool.Start() & "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" $urltest cd $old_pwd