The process consists in the following steps, when we (the developers) want to make a test in “production” scenario the first is commit all changes to the repository. I am using Mercurial as VCS, surprise?! I’ve set up as an IIS website following the guide found in and it helped me a lot, I recommend it for the HG fans. Let’s continue, after commit all changes to the repository on the server, we’ve to pull and update the local copy there in the server. Then make a clean and rebuild the solution, and the real deploy with aspnet_compiler for to have a folder with the content fully compiled according to MSDN. The deploy continues with the IIS, go to Application Pools stop the selected Pool, copy the files to the destination folder and finally start the Pool again. Optionally you can start a web browser with the url for verify everything is ok.
As you can see there are several steps involved, and several clicks as well (remember, for me, every click in the server is like a needle ticking in the arm) how to resolve it? There are two requirements for use the solution I propose: the hg executable must be in Windows PATH and the other thing I’ve done I don’t know if It’s really necessary but it worked to me, Replace the content of “C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild” folder from a machine with Visual Studio installed to the server (there was something about not found) I admit it, I didn’t dig in that problem, I someone can understand why that happens, comments will be welcome.
After quickly analysis of ways to do it, I decided to use PowerShell as script engine, due to its flexibility and high integration level with .NET and any Windows component. This is how my script is done:
$aspnetcompiler = $env:SystemRoot + "\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_compiler.exe"
$msbuild = $env:SystemRoot + "\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe"
$repo = "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\livost-repo"
$webapp = $repo + "\LivostWeb"
$webtarget = $repo + "\LivostWebPublish"
$sitename = "IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\mvclivost"
$urltest = "http://localhost/mvclivost/Home"
These are some variables that may change between servers and projects, such as the MSBuild and aspnet_compiler location, the folder where I have the repository, web and target folders, site name.
import-module .\PScommon\psake\psake.psm1
import-module .\PSCommon\WebAdministration
Set-Alias -Name ipsake -Value Invoke-psake
These imports are taken from this guide that explains how to interact with IIS from powershell
$old_pwd = pwd
cd $repo
hg pull
hg update
Here I save the original Working directory and move to local repository directory, then pull and update, really easy.
$msbuild_arg0 = $repo + "\Livost.sln"
$msbuild_arg1 = "/p:Configuration=Release;BuildInParallel=true"
$msbuild_arg2 = "/t:Clean"
$msbuild_arg3 = "/m"
$msbuild_arg4 = "/v:m"
$msbuild_arg5 = "/nologo"
$msbuild_arg6 = "/clp:PerformanceSummary;Verbosity=minimal"
$msbuild_args = @($msbuild_arg0, $msbuild_arg1, $msbuild_arg2, $msbuild_arg3, $msbuild_arg4, $msbuild_arg5, $msbuild_arg6)
Write-Host "Cleaning the solution"
Write-Host "Executing $msbuild $msbuild_args"
& $msbuild $msbuild_args > out.txt
Here I set up the parameters for clean and write to the output properly what’s going on and to a file the text waterfall with all msbuild details.
$msbuild_arg2 = "/t:Rebuild"
$msbuild_args = @($msbuild_arg0, $msbuild_arg1, $msbuild_arg2, $msbuild_arg3, $msbuild_arg4, $msbuild_arg5, $msbuild_arg6)
Write-Host "Rebluilding the solution"
Write-Host "Executing $msbuild $msbuild_args"
& $msbuild $msbuild_args >> out.txt
The same for rebuild the solution after to have cleaned up old compiled files.
$anc_arg0 = "-v"
$anc_arg1 = "/"
$anc_arg2 = "-p"
$anc_arg3 = $webapp
$anc_arg4 = "-f"
$anc_arg5 = $webtarget
$anc_arg6 = "-c"
$asncargs = @($anc_arg0, $anc_arg1, $anc_arg2, $anc_arg3, $anc_arg4, $anc_arg5, $anc_arg6)
if (-not (Test-Path $webtarget)) {
mkdir $webtarget > $null
Write-Host "Precompiling web application"
Write-Host "Executing $aspnetcompiler $asncargs"
& $aspnetcompiler $asncargs >> out.txt
Setting up the parameters for aspnet_compiler, for me this was the hardest part; there are so many arguments combinations to try! But finally I got it, I also ensure that the target folder exists before proceed with precompilation.
$webSite = Get-Item $sitename
$poolName = $webSite.applicationPool
$pool = Get-Item "IIS:\AppPools\$poolName"
if ((Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $poolName).Value -ne "Stopped") {
Write-Host "Stopping the Application Pool"
Write-Host "Copying files..."
$source = $webtarget + "\*"
cp $source $webSite.physicalPath -Force -Recurse
Write-Host "Waiting a few seconds..."
Start-Sleep 5
Write-Host "Starting the Application Pool"
As I mentioned before I’ve taken from that fellow’s blog, here is when I interact with IIS, first I grab the AppPool object by its name and if it isn’t stopped then stop it. After that copy everything to the target physicalpath and wait about 5 seconds, why? Sometimes these steps may be executed too fast and the services stay in an “irregular state” such as starting-up or stopping and at this stage the services control doesn’t receive control messages, such as start or stop, at least this is what Microsoft says in the documentation for the error I receive sometimes if I don’t wait these few seconds.
& "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" $urltest
cd $old_pwd
And finally start a new instance of Internet Explorer for verify everything is ok and the ASP.NET makes its first and long runtime compilation with me and any other bad lucky guy.
Now, how to use it, in the server must be allowed the scripts execution, this can be done using a powershell console as administrator, then type ‘Set-Executionpolicy remotesigned’, in the example I’ve put a run.cmd with this text ‘powershell -command ./automate.ps1’ where this informs to powershell to execute the script. Important this script must be run with administrator privileges because of its interaction with IIS. Maybe you have to modify the content of run.cmd and instead of ./automate.ps1 to make a cd to the folder where the script is and then execute it as before. This occurs because when you execute a cmd as administrator the current directory is changed automatically and mysteriously to C:\Windows\system32. I hope this post to be useful to you, till the next!
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