Develop web applications with multi lingual (ML) support is always a very tricky affair, in this globalized world we are living nowadays is almost impossible to keep developing web applications without giving the opportunity to visitors from other languages than ours.
I’ll attempt to share with the community some of my strategies in order to give ML support using ASP.NET MVC 3.0, and I think the next versions will be backward compatible regarding these matters. Let’s start, one of the key points for ML is where to store the current language. There are some well-known places, in the session, in some cookie or even in the url.
Each strategy has its own pros and cons, after digging about the SEO and content indexing (here some SO guys talk about) I decided to choose the url as the ideal place for insert the current language the web is going to be displayed to the client. The general idea is to give the sense of “directories” where the language is the first level and the others contents are languages directories’ “children” in the big web content tree.
Having said that, there is another problem coming up: The route, despite the routing system provided by ASP.NET MVC 3.0 is powerful and very flexible, I have to say it’s something obscure to understand by definition (but not impossible), so let’s use an example on how the url should be:
Note that the first sample doesn’t have the language explicitly indicated in the url. This will be the default language defined by the site administrator, maybe. Even with this decision there are many things to think about. What to do when there is no language specified in the url? Maybe the easy way, to assume an internal (from configuration or hardcoded) default language, or maybe a better user experience in order to determine the user’s culture from the browser’s request or even a nice solution that a friend of mine implemented: search in a database table the IP address from the request and determine the country and depending on the country, the page is displayed in that language. Finally the concrete strategy is up to you.
Whatever decision you take, it’ll be necessary to have small (or medium size) element usually on top right of the page, which is the language selector. This fellow is responsible for render the links to the entry point in other languages rather than the current one. If you have a fixed number of languages (which I do not recommend, unless your client pays too few for the project, don’t blame it, it’s a joke, don’t do it), there’s not much difficulty so it’s possible to implement a set of links with all the necessary dirty url construction.
But what if the languages amount varies, for example, they come from a database? Then the routing system is here for save the world. At this point I say the whole explanation about how to get these routes is out of the scope of this post, I’ll talk more on details in a dedicated post. (Seriously I promise I’ll do it!) Here are the route samples.
routes.MapRoute( "Default_ln", // Route name "{lang}/{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, // Parameter defaults new { lang = "[a-z]{2}(-[A-Z]{2})?" } ); routes.MapRoute( "Default", // Route name "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults );
Well, these routes really do not differ too much from the default template in Global.asax.cs at Visual Studio 2010. The order is a key point for the success and the new parameter introduced here is lang in the first route. If the url contains the language as in the second and third in the above urls, they will match the first route ("Default_ln") and if the url does not contain any information about language, then it’ll match the second route ("Default").
Note the regular expression (regex) in the first route as a constrain, I mean, the first segment is a language if and only if the segment content matches the regex, which in fact verifies the culture format (such as es-ES or en-GB, or just es or en) you are free to modify it and don’t be afraid of, the regex don’t bite.
The language selector is to be done in order to the crawler (and the human visitors too) be able to find the content written in other languages. The first (and easiest) solution maybe using static links pointing to the home page, followed by the language code or empty for the default. Really, don’t do that! What if the user has navigated deeper in the content tree? In this case, the user will have to navigate again through the path, and that’s not good. The link should point to the current content path but as child of target language. The routing system allows us to do this just setting properly the values for routeData parameter in any HTML extension method used in the views.
Assuming we have in our viewmodel a propery named Languages which is a list of some class with Code and Name properties. One first implementation could be as follows:
foreach (var lang in Model.Languages) { @Html.ActionLink(lang.Name, null, new {lang = lang.Code}) @Html.Raw(" ") }
The result is acceptable but there’s a small glitch with url generation, the default language doesn't match with the initial definition about not explicitly show the language, it generates the lang parameter for all language even for the default one. What to do? Or better, why this come about? The origin of this is that we are saying, for each language in the list generate a link with the parameter lang equals this language’s code. We could instead to say, if this language is the default then do not set the parameter lang et c’est tout! As in this fragment:
foreach (var lang in Model.Languages) { if (lang.Code == DefaultLangCode) { @Html.ActionLink(lang.Name, null, new { }) } else { @Html.ActionLink(lang.Name, null, new { lang = lang.Code }) } @Html.Raw(" ") }
But that doesn’t work too, why? If we are in the default language (/) everything appears to be ok, but if we change for example to Spanish (/es) then checkout the link to our default (/es)! Surprise! And it should be just /. The reason is behind the scenes of routing system, it “fills” the route parameters with the current parameters explicitly passed as in lang, and falls back with the current request context data and in this case current request has the lang parameter that the explicit parameter did not pass, so finally the link is generated with the parameter lang equals the current lang. Only after to have understood this particular matter about the routing system we are able to fix the issue, as follows:
foreach (var lang in Model.Languages) { if (lang.Code == DefaultLangCode) { var currentlang = ViewContext.RouteData.Values["lang"]; ViewContext.RouteData.Values["lang"] = null; @Html.ActionLink(lang.Name, null, new {}) ViewContext.RouteData.Values["lang"] = currentlang; } else { @Html.ActionLink(lang.Name, null, new {lang = lang.Code}) } @Html.Raw(" ") }
What’s the trick here? In this case we have said as part of the if condition for the default language, save the current value of route parameter lang in a temporary variable, then set to null (makes the same effect as remove it) without the lang garbage, generate the link and restore the value to the route data dictionary so the rest of the languages generate their link with this parameter which is necessary.
Sometime I comment with my developer friends and I say, I hate the web development but at the same time I love it! Because most of the time I have to be finding the exact trick for achieve the expected result and that’s the magic of software development!