Monday 13 February 2012

Unobtrusive validation with dynamically created fields

Some time ago I started to take advantage of unobtrusive validation, one of the most important approaches for gaining cleanness in the resulting HTML. The way it works is, in a nutshell, as an adapter to the traditional jquery validation plugin, it searches through the HTML for every input element with data-val HTML5 attribute and value true, then it reads all possible validation rule, creates the rules element and finally calls to the validation plugin. This unobtrusive validation comes with the default template in MVC3 web projects using Visual Studio 2010.
Everything worked as expected when the entire HTML was generated from the server, I mean, as usually, using the HTML helpers such as @Html.TextBoxFor(...). Even if I’ve been working with AJAX, it worked as expected, just using a little tweak as I mentioned in this post.
Suddenly, a new scenario has arisen to the table. This time it’s necessary to validate elements dynamically created, client side only. When the page loads there are a lot of input with its data-* attributes properly rendered, but there is another set of input elements which will be created at runtime and therefore they must be validated as well. Until now there is no problem, isn’t it? Surprise if I tell it doesn’t work at all; it simply ignores these new elements created at runtime. But, what’s the difference? Previously I mentioned that it worked with AJAX, new content is added to the DOM. In fact, it works with AJAX. After digging a lot inside the source code and debugging, yes debugging and tracing! God bless these modern tools for doing this kind of work in JavaScript!
Long story short, the root of the problem is inside jquery validation plugin, and I think is not really a bug, but something that the plugin’s developer team did not think about. When the unobtrusive passes the data to the validator, this first checks in the internal cache using and if anyone previously has passed the validation rules for this particular form, then it does nothing. What’s the problem? That is a good idea; do not perform the same task more than once. When using AJAX, in every test I’ve done there is an entirely new form that arrives from the server, this new form was not in the cache and that’s why it worked to me using AJAX. I show the exact code fragment where I found it.
 // check if a validator for this form was already created
 var validator = $.data(this[0], 'validator');
 if ( validator ) {
  return validator;

 validator = new $.validator( options, this[0] );
 $.data(this[0], 'validator', validator);
But what if I add new elements dynamically to that form previously initialized with the validator plugin? That is not very bizarre, or maybe a little, anyway I think it should be considered. I found a quick and dirty workaround for solving my particular case. It consists in reset the internal validator’s cache by hand and then command unobtrusive to re-parse the form and Voilà!
 $.removeData(form[0], 'validator');

I have prepared an example in order to demonstrate what I am saying is true. In the example I present a very simple login form using jquery validator and unobtrusive along with three buttons: (create new field, reset Validator Cache and Add new Form). How it works? The initial form is completely normal, just click the Login button and everything works as normal, the validators pop out with their messages. The code is here

Click the ‘create new field’ button and a new field appears and press Login again, this new field is not part of validation despite the fact it has properly configured the data-* attributes.

Now click the ‘reset Validator Cache’ button and click again Login button, Magic?! The new field is now part of the validation and we have a third validation message that wasn’t before.

Finally press the button ‘Add a new Form’ and an entire new form is created below, this form work as it should without remove anything from the cache.

I hope this experience which took me hours may help more people who wants to develop rich-client and a lot of JavaScript as today’s web application demands.


  1. Thanks for the experiment. It was very informative and useful. I keep in mind. Thanks a lot for sharing such a awe-some information.
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  2. Abel,

    Thanks for this post. It did really help.

    On certain event i have been adding unobtrusive validation attributes and calling following methods:

    var form = $("form#myform");
    $.removeData(form[0], 'validator');

    On click of submit it does validate these fields.

    But on other event and condition how do i have removed validation attributes and expect not to be validation.

    I would really appreciate if you could tell how to remove unobtrusive validation attributes.
